
Get paid living your purpose

Purpose is one the topics I don’t often discuss with people because everyone you meet has something to say about purpose. Everywhere you go church, school, conference etc. People talk about purpose in different way.

I have similar but different approach to discussing purpose, As an entrepreneur running two different businesses and pay salary in millions annually, I believe that without purpose you may not go for either as a career person of entrepreneur.


I am glad to be with us tonight to discuss one of the most fundamental issue people face today. Get Paid Living Your Purpose

When I met Tolu Makinde some days ago and he reminded me of this training, I smiled and I said “purpose”…. He said humm .. like he has read my mind. He just stressed and say, I want you to let us know how to get paid living purpose.

Sincerely, Purpose is one the topics I don’t often discuss with people because everyone you meet has something to say about purpose. Everywhere you go church, school, conference etc. People talk about purpose in different way.

I have similar but different approach to discussing purpose, As an entrepreneur running two different businesses and pay salary in millions annually, I believe that without purpose you may not go for either as a career person of entrepreneur.

Let’s start with the word *Purpose* I want about 3 people to just give us any definition of purpose.


Purpose is the reason for your living, it's what gives meaning to your life. It is what you are created or called for.

Living Your Purpose - The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

Let me ask you these questions:

             Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

             Why do you go school?

             Why are you doing what you are doing?

These are the questions we often think we all know the answers

Sincerely, the answers are not that simple

Each of us need to know the reason why we do what we do before being paid

Because it makes us stand out.

Your Purpose = Your Why

Every person’s career—operates on three levels: What we do, how we do it and why we do it. We all know what we do: the products we sell, the services we offer or the jobs we do but not the reason why we do what we do.

Until we know the WHY, we will not be living the purpose

And we will not be paid our worth

Let me tell you the story of Emily

A few months before she graduated from college, Emily applied for a position at a large global corporation. A straight-A student who had gone to university on a full scholarship, she easily made it through the first cut and now found herself in a panel interview, where she sat across the table from the HR director and three other executives. They could see from her application that she was bright, but they worried about her lack of real-world experience. More important, they wanted to find out if she would fit their culture and how she would cope under pressure.

The man in gray elaborated: “We have a lot of highly qualified applicants for this position. Tell us what you have that they don’t.”

A conscientious student, Emily had prepared for the interview by learning everything she could about the company. But every other candidate had access to the same information. So Emily went a step further. Emily unleashed her WHY.

“Before I talk about what I might be able to bring to your company,” she calmly told the HR director, “let me first give the reason I get out of bed every day. “I strive to help people be the best version of themselves. That’s what inspires me. Based on your website, I sense that this is precisely what you believe in too. So, why wouldn’t I apply to be part of your organization?”

“let me first give the reason I get out of bed every day. “I strive to help people be the best version of themselves. That’s what inspires me. Based on your website, I sense that this is precisely what you believe in too. So, why wouldn’t I apply to be part of your organization?”

That caught their attention.

The interviewers stopped shuffling their papers and looked her in the face. Emily then segued to a more traditional pitch about her skills and strengths, but the battle was already won. That first exchange, which lasted less than thirty seconds, had already persuaded the interviewers to hire her.

By starting with her WHY, Emily had spoken directly to the limbic, decision-making centers of their brains. By showing who she was, not just what she could do, she formed an instant and genuine connection. That’s all it took. They knew in their gut that they wanted her on their team.

It was relatively straightforward for Emily too. Instead of using prep time to come up with clever answers to a host of hypothetical questions, she’d focused on being comfortable with communicating her WHY. Once she faced the panel, all she had to do was speak “from her heart” about what inspired her to want to work there. The rest of the interview felt much more like a conversation than an inquisition and all her answers validated the panelists’ intuition. Afterward, her cell phone rang before she even got home. It was the HR director offering her the job

When you know the reason for doing what you are doing: People will BUY into YOU and You will GET PAID Handsomely

So the first thing first is Find YOUR WHY

Most times what I hear people talk purpose what they say is follow your passion. Each time I hear people say this I just smiled.

Cal Newport says “Follow your passion” is bad advice. I reached this conclusion after spending a year researching a basic question: What makes people love what they do for a living? This research turned up two strikes against the idea of following passion. First, it turns out that few people have pre-existing passions that they can match to a job. Telling them to “follow their passion,” therefore, is a recipe for anxiety and failure.

I believe what Cal said because, I have seen a lot people who are passionate about the wrong purpose. There is always one thug away from your environment who is passionate extorting money from conductors in the name of NURTW, political thugs and so many. The issue is not being passionate but genuinely guide ourselves towards our WHY.

So, I concluded that Purpose is NOT about you, it’s about other PEOPLE.

What can you do for other people to solve their problem, to alleviate their pain. To make the happy and fulfilled

To support their aspirations…

To help them achieve their goals.

If you can find out this for yourself, you will be paid beyond your wildest dream and you will be living your purpose

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner like me. Focus on the people you serve

Never think you are not entrepreneur

Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner The Microfinance Pioneer, says, “All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the caves, we were all self-employed… finding our food, feeding ourselves. That’s where human history began. As civilization came, we suppressed it. We became ‘labor’ because they stamped us, ‘You are labor.’ We forgot that we are entrepreneurs.”

That's why we need to discover our why for ourselves and our business like Apple, Google, Motivated Mankind, etc


Remember the Golden Circle...

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