
How to choose a new career path

Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

Many young people venture into different career paths, which they later struggle with and become unproductive due to lack of self-discovery, peer influence or inadequate orientation of the career choice.


Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

Many young people venture into different career paths, which they later struggle with and become unproductive due to lack of self-discovery, peer influence or inadequate orientation of the career choice.

Our educational system also contributes to helping us choosing a career path that is not useful to us. There are many courses in our institutions that are not productive and marketable.

I want you to know that your career path determines what you study or the skills you acquire. We are meant to first determine our career path before venturing into any course of study.

But today young people are influenced by many factors such as peer pressure, wrong parental advice or societal and environmental influence to choose a course of study they later regret choosing after wasting years and resources.


Many of us did not discover ourselves first before choosing a course of study.

In this path of the world, we are familiar with JAMB jambing people and changing their course of study from what they originally have passion for. I wonder why this is getting normal in Naija.

Many graduates are getting more confused after graduation. Many are pondering what they will do with the course they studied in school.

I wanted to study Medicine because I love to care for people and help the sick but I was given Microbiology.

God knows I hate lab work with passion because it's boring to me. Besides that, the so-called MICROBIOLOGY is no more marketable because Medical Lab Scientists MLS has taken over the market.

Many of us have a similar story... We are now left to discover a new path that will be suitable for us...This is why we are discussing this topic to help others

Honestly, there are several courses in our institutions that are not marketable...the only available job is to be a teacher which was not their original interest.

If you have a similar story with me, I want you to know that there is still hope for you because all you will ever be in life is already confirmed by God, our job in life is to discover it.

Our purpose in life determines our career path, while our career determines the knowledge, skills, and experience we acquire. I also want you to know that no knowledge is wasted.

The Holy book says Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.

The purpose of this class is to guide you in choosing the right career path that is suitable for you and will make you productive and successful in life. These can be achieved when you discover yourself, know your strength, weakness, personal trait, talent, and interest.

Career planning is a lifelong process that focuses on making choices to help you manage your work and personal life. Good career planning requires information about you, the world of work and your commitment.

Career planning is very essential. Career planning can help you

*To prepare to enter the workforce,

*Plan for education,

*Deal with changing workplace demands,

*Anticipate trends or changes,

*Plan to upgrade or maintain your talents or skills,

*And plan for career advancement.

Most career workshops always go in one direction (focusing on white-collar jobs) neglecting the artisans, technicians and the likes. An artisan like Carpenter is not regarded as a career person but an Accountant in a bank is seen as a career person - this is the error in our education which must be corrected to eradicate poverty.

I have discovered that not everyone is meant to be in the academic section... Through my years of teaching, I have come across students that are good academic-wise but are excellent in vocational skills. They are talented.

Our society has made us believe that if you are not academic outstanding, you can't be successful. They underrate the place of talent, creativity, and innovation.

In choosing the right career, it is very important to discover yourself. You cannot do all careers, neither can you do any career.

The purpose of self-discovery is to know your strengths, weakness, and career that will make you productive and successful in life.

If you want to migrate to a new career path that will be suitable for you, you have to discover yourself first. It is an error to compare yourself with others like your friends, brothers, or sisters.

Everybody is unique with different ability and capabilities. The secret to success in life is early self-discovery. It is risky to choose a career path without discovering yourself because you will struggle in it and it can lead to unproductivity if it is not the right one for you. Self-discovery will make you to know your ‘Niche’.

Your Niche is that position or activity that particularly suits your talent and personality. If you find your Niche you won’t have to struggle in your career choice.

If you will like to choose a new career path, the following guide will walk you through the five stages of career planning:

  1. Evaluating yourself – Evaluate yourself using the SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat). learning about yourself having a clear picture of your unique talents, interests, values and skills will be the base of your career-planning journey. A great start to a brighter future.
  2. Exploring Options – learning about available work opportunities once you have a clear idea of your interests, current skills and the things you value, you can start exploring options. Gather information about occupations, education and training opportunities.
  3. Making Decisions – deciding on your future path once you have explored your options, the next step is narrowing down the work and/or training field on which you would like to focus. Take time to analyze the options you have explored and make decisions about what path you want to travel.
  4. Setting Goals – Create a plan once you have identified your career path. Identify the steps you need to take to start moving towards your goal. Prepare an action plan and chart your course.
  5. Gain practical experience related to the career you want. Select a job that offers skill development, knowledge and experience that support your career goals.

Pursue education and training to move toward your career goal. Find a job with a company that offers tuition reimbursement.

Gain experience by volunteering, participating in an internship or participating in on-the-job training and apprenticeship opportunities. Join an association in your career field.

As I conclude, I will advise you to get a certification for your new career path...

Certification is highly required by employers. I can't post all the certifications needed in some careers here but you can visit https://www.certopedia.com/professional_certifications.php and find the certification for your field.

After missing the opportunity to become a medical doctor, I discovered a new career path that is a Professional Teacher and a Certified Caregiver.

Now I'm taking deliberate steps to advance my career.

I close with this Take responsibility for your own career. Shape your career; don’t let it shape you. Decide what you want your career to be, and watch for opportunities to reach your goals.

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