
Strategies To Have A Fulfilling Career

A career is an occupation (or profession) undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

It doesn't mean you stay on the same job or in the same place; you can be changing jobs or placements but the profession is still the same.

Using an accounting career for example you move from one job position to another but over a period of say 30 years, you practice the accounting profession.


Let me start by telling you a little story about myself.

That will help set the context for the class

You see, teaching is one profession I have done for over 15 years. Every time I stand before students to teach, I feel like fish in water.

Not like full time though.

When I was posted to Ebonyi for my youth service in 2016, my place of primary assignment was a local government council. well, as you probably guessed, there really wasn't much to do there.

I had to look for a school to teach. Plus I organized tutorials during the holidays and engaged some of my other Corp members like myself who also enjoyed teaching to join me.

Toni during his SIWES at PITANO...I remembered when I did my SIWES (Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme) as part of my ND (National Diploma) program in Elect/Elect in LASPOTECH.

I worked in an electrical wiring company.


The company's name was Pitano, I remembered very well how I felt at some point I didn't belong there. The pay was Ok, at least for a SIWES student like me, and I learnt a lot from the work. But something wasn't in synch.


What didn't I get right there?

I will answer these questions as we go.

Defining the keywords

Let's start by defining the words. What really is a career?

A career is an occupation (or profession) undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.

It doesn't mean you stay on the same job or in the same place; you can be changing jobs or placements but the profession is still the same.

Using an accounting career for example you move from one job position to another but over a period of say 30 years, you practice the accounting profession.

When we use the word career, some often mistakenly assume that word is for someone working in the corporate world. That's actually a misconception. A movie producer like Tunde Kelani has been in the movie industry for decades. That's his career.

Sunny Ade has a music career... Add others.

I'm sure you get the idea. We are all in some form of career or the other, beyond school I mean

How about fulfillment? What does that word mean?

Fulfillment has to do with happiness or satisfaction. So a fulfilling career is profession that you do that gives you a sense of satisfaction or deep-seated gratification.

Just so we are clear, fulfillment isn't about money. You can be making millions of money but still be unfulfilled, and vice versa. Fulfillment is about something deeper.

Money is good and very necessary, but it shouldn't be pursued at the expense of fulfillment. What profits a man that gains the whole world and lose his soul, his essence?

So how do you have or choose a fulfilling career?

Here are a few questions to ask and provide sincere answers to.

  1. Does the work give you a sense of purpose?

Fulfillment is closely tied to purpose. You can't be truly fulfilled outside of purpose. Have you discovered your purpose? Do you know what you were born to do?

If you are not sure, start by answering this question: how do you intend to serve humanity and what unique impact do you want to make with your life?

Then find a work that help you achieve that. You see, my purpose is about helping people navigate life.

That's why teaching is at my core.

  1. Does it resonate with the deepest dreams & desires in your heart?

What are those dreams in the deepest recesses of your heart. I'm not talking of fantasies here. I'm talking of something your heart is truly yearning for, something that resonate with you deep down.

What visions have you nursed for long, possibly from when you were much younger?

What is your heart reaching for, something that every time you see it in the life of someone else, you feel like that should be you?

Those are pointers to what will bring you fulfillment and inner satisfaction. Ignore the dreams in your own detriment.

So many allow themselves to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, ignoring the dreams in their innermost parts. That's recipe for a frustrated life.

You can't be truly fulfilled when there's a disconnect in your innermost part. Just always remember that you can have all the money in the world but still feel unfulfilled.

Fela Durotoye once shared a story about one time he went to speak to top managers in a company, I guess a bank. One of the managers walked up to him after the session and was crying. Fela was like, why are you crying, sir? This is someone that has millions in his account, top manager...I'm sure you can imagine the kind of luxury he probably enjoys

He said to Fela, when you were speaking to us, I realized this is really what I should be doing. I have the status, the money, the comfort & all but I am dissatisfied within. You see what I'm saying

If you're young, now is the time to make the right choices. Don't wait till you get to the stage of that top manager.

  1. How much impact is it making (or will it make)?

When you're truly impacting lives by your work, you will have a sense of fulfillment.

How is the work making the world a better place?

How is it serving humanity?

Life is about donation not duration. It's your contribution that gives you satisfaction, not your collections.

So in making a career choice or change, consider the matter of impact.

  1. How much of your gifts and potentials does/will the work allow you to express?

There's a level of fulfillment that comes from using your gifts and potentials. There's satisfaction in expressing your creative genius. It's how we're wired by God. Your career should give you ample opportunity to unleash your gifts as well as provide you opportunities for growth. God made us as co-creators. We are fulfilled when we create.

It's like the deep satisfaction a man has when he becomes a father or a woman has when she carries her newborn baby. If you're not constantly creating, through the exercise of your gifts and potentials, you will never really be fulfilled, no matter how much money you're getting.

And that brings me to the end of the session, I hope you learnt a few things. You can drop your questions and comments. I will answer the questions as soon as I can & as much as I can.

Thank you all for your time. I celebrate you all and trust we all have a fulfilling career. I am Toni Olatunji and I help people navigate life. I like to give a gift to you all. Two of my books.

To collect it, you will have to reach out to me directly so I can connect with you & see your number.

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